About LGC People Logistics Schedule Registration

All presentations will be oral, 15 minutes in length including 2 minutes for questions. Click on names below to see icebreakers. Click on presentation titles to see abstracts.

Please note that all times are in Pacific Standard Time.

Wednesday, July 1st, 2020

Zoom link coming soon

 • 7:30:Pre-Conference Tech Check: Mics, Slides, Orientation with Chairs
 • 8:00:Gregg Schmidt: NASA SSERVI Welcome
 • 8:15:LunGradCon Welcome & Introductions
 • 8:30:Ice Breakers

SESSION I: Exploration Science
Chairs: Kristen Luchsinger & Brynna Downey
 • 8:45:Kristen Luchsinger, Pushing the boundaries of lunar ice: the effects of vertical volatile transport in seasonally shadowed regionsFeedback Form
 • 9:00:Jacob Kloos, Illumination conditions within permanently shadowed regions at the lunar polesFeedback Form
 • 9:15:Marine Joulaud, Candidate landing sites at the South Pole of the Moon for the LUVMI-X roverFeedback Form
 • 9:30:Brynna Downey, Callisto's mysterious inclinationFeedback Form
 • 9:45:Marina Gemma, Planetary Data Visualization Using OpenSpaceFeedback Form
 • 10:00:Discussion
 • 10:15: Morning Breakout Room Social
 • 11:00: NextGen Lunar Science Group Panel

SESSION II: Space Physics and Dust
Chairs: Noah Hood, Neil Bassett, and Bill Goode
 • 11:45:Neil Bassett, Ensuring the robustness of the analysis of 21-cm cosmological observations from the farside of the MoonFeedback Form
 • 12:00:Noah Hood, The effect of magnetic fields on electrostatic dust loftingFeedback Form
 • 12:15:Ramin Lolachi, Optical monitoring of the dust environment at lunar surface exploration sitesFeedback Form
 • 12:30:Himanshi Sharma, Constraining low-altitude lunar dust using the LADEE/UVS dataFeedback Form
 • 12:45:Esteban Wright, Ricochets on asteroids: experimental study of low velocity grazing impacts into granular mediaFeedback Form
 • 13:00:Ming-Hsueh Shen, Dust detection by antenna instrumentsFeedback Form
 • 13:15:Bill Goode, Collecting and analyzingsurface material from permanently shadowed regions of the Moon using an orbital dust telescopeFeedback Form
 • 13:45: Afternoon Breakout Room Social

Thursday, July 2nd, 2020

 • 8:00: Greg Schmidt, SSERVI Director, Lightning Round Tips Talk
 • 8:15:SSERVI Leadership Q and A
SESSION III: Lunar (Geo)Science
Chairs: Gavin Tolometti & Yash Srivastava
 • 9:00:Rachel Maxwell , Evidence for an ancient near-equatorial lunar dipole from higher precision inversions of crustal magnetizationFeedback Form
 • 9:15:Deanna Phillips, Determining the shallow surface velocity at the Apollo 17 landing siteFeedback Form
 • 9:30:Gavin Tolometti, Surface Roughness Analysis of the Holuhraun Lava Flow-Field: A Lunar AnalogueFeedback Form
 • 9:45:Yash Srivastava, Understanding lunar highly siderophile element distributionsFeedback Form
 • 10:00:Discussion
 • 10:15:Morning Break
SESSION IV: Spectroscopy
Chairs: Vanessa Lowry & Nicolas Bott
 • 10:30:Nicolas Bott, Unveiling the mineralogical composition of lunar farside mare basaltsFeedback Form
 • 10:45:Netra Pillai, Elemental abundances from x-ray fluorescence spectroscopyFeedback Form
 • 11:00:Vanessa Lowry, Linear unmixing of fine particulate materials: implications for compositional analyses of primitive asteroidsFeedback Form
 • 11:15:Breakout Room Social Lunch
 • 12:15:Ryan Galinkin, Estimating Surface Porosities of Analog Samples Using Microscopic Imaging AnalysisFeedback Form
 • 12:30:Lingzhi Sun, Multispectral Imaging and Hyperspectral Profile of the First Dissection for Core 73002Feedback Form
 • 12:45:Discussion

SESSION V: Applications, Technology, and Policy
Chairs: Arun Kumar & Donald Hendrix
 • 13:00:Donald Hendrix, Chemical reactivity and potential toxicity of lunar soils: a study of the olivine solid solution seriesFeedback Form
 • 13:15:Arun Kumar, Lunar telerobotic assembly recovery using cyber-physical trainingFeedback Form
 • 13:30:Sarah Swiersz, A case for conservation of outer space: missions, human exploration, and protection of the lunar environmentFeedback Form
 • 12:45:Amy LeBleu-Debartola, Space Exploration Policy SurveyFeedback Form
 • 14:00:Discussion
 • 14:15:Closing Remarks & Evaluation
 • 14:25:Breakout Room Social

July 1st Icebreaker Session Order

Brendan Anzures
Caela Barry
Lea Bartlett
Neil Bassett
Adam Battle
Nicolas Bott
Abigail Calzada Diaz
Marley Chertok
Frederic Diotte
Brynna Downey
Ryan Galinkin
Marina Gemma
Rahel Gizaw
Yvette Gonzales
Bill Goode
Ritvik Gupta
Donald Hendrix
Noah Hood
Kevin Horton
Ziyu Huang
Gen Ito
Maximilian Jennings
Robert Jin
Marine Joulaud
Aisha Khatib
Suyeon Kim
Yaeji Kim
Jacob Kloos
Arun Kumar
Nandita Kumari
Amy LeBleu-Debartola
Ramin Lolachi
Vanessa Lowry
Kristen Luchsinger
Rachel Maxwell
Miguel Angel Montoya
Ryota Nakano
Deanna Phillips
Phillip Phipps
Netra S Pillai
Aaron Garduno Rodriguez
Mustafo Safarov
Autumn Shackelford
Himanshi Sharma
Mitchell Shen
Kya Sorli
Alessondra Springmann
Yash Srivastava
Lingzhi Sun
Sarah Swiersz
Gavin Tolometti
Zach Ulibarri
Johanna Erika Valdueza
Ryan N. Watkins
Esteban Wright
Lihsia Yeo

Contact Information

Question or comments? Contact the forum organizers.